Suggesties voor de website

Je kunt toch op het fast-forward >> icoontje klikken, dan kom je op de laatste pagina uit (staat bij topic-regel achteraan), of bedoel je wat anders?
dat fast forward icoontje zie ik eigenlijk ook nergens staan. Maar ik bedoel eigenlijk ook dat voor dat je op een topic klikt dat het fijn zou zijn als je gelijk op de laatste pagina kan klikken. Of dat je bij de topic titel al op een pagina nummer of begin of eind kan klikken. Dan hoef je niet steeds door te klikken of eerst een pagina nummer in te typen.
Even checken of we op dezelfde pagina zitten ;)

Als het goed is zie je dit:

28-7-2014 13-11-25.jpg

Aan het eind van de regel zie je het blauwe >> icoontje. Als je daar op klikt, spring je gelijk naar de laatste reactie/pagina.
No Title

Klein, maar wel leuk, vertaalfoutje :D


  • photo2382.jpg
    78 KB · Weergaven: 86
Vanaf Iphone worden de regeleinden niet goed weergegeven in een 'normale' reply.
Echter, wanneer men op een specifiek bericht 'commentaar' levert worden de regeleinden wel weergegeven.

Grtz Kurt
Er is een nieuwe versie uit van vBulletin. 5.1.3 kent de volgende fixes en zal binnenkort door ons geplaatst worden:
Release Notes - vBulletin 5 - Version 5.1.3

Feature Request
[VBV-12798] - AdminCP option to redirect 404 pages to the root node.

Hook Request
[VBV-10952] - Add hooks in contententry_toolbar template

Improvement Request
[VBV-1028] - Site width is fixed.
[VBV-1217] - Caching time should be configurable in AdminCP
[VBV-3081] - Rename Page Manager to Channel Manager
[VBV-6895] - Proper Pagination is needed. Users don't want to type in a number to jump to a page and having to cycle through all pages is inefficient.
[VBV-9148] - "Private Albums" in vB4 are visible to everyone in vB5
[VBV-9502] - Add seperate line between the post and the signature
[VBV-12145] - Insert pageid value into HTML as CSS ID.
[VBV-12500] - General Styling Optimizations based on Customer Feedback.
[VBV-12740] - Add commonly used datastore items to the default items
[VBV-12950] - Enable Mobile API by default.
[VBV-13103] - Add message on Channel Permission Editing page about inheritance.

[VBV-12532] - Review permission descriptions and help text.
[VBV-12550] - Implement and Test PHP 5.6.0 Compliance.
[VBV-12799] - Update /config.php.bkp to include instructions not to edit
[VBV-12803] - Update cookie_prefix comments in the presentation config.php file
[VBV-13009] - Supress php path on php error
[VBV-13143] - Update "change version" tool to catch admin help phrases

[VBV-594] - No quote button in stream view
[VBV-3610] - No way to access table menu in editor
[VBV-4627] - No way to delete a Page
[VBV-5865] - vB5_ApplicationAbstract::showMsgPage does not set character encoding
[VBV-6909] - Custom profile fields do not display properly in registration page
[VBV-6981] - Activate User Registration Links Broken
[VBV-6983] - Activate Email Page Doesn't Seem to Be Working Correctly
[VBV-8574] - There's no way to delete a table on CKEditor
[VBV-8870] - Table popup in the editor shows several options not supported in vB
[VBV-8915] - Facebook Video Embedding changed. Flash no longer works, requires <iframe> to embed
[VBV-9437] - (iOS) Editing a blog post through app removes all the line breaks.
[VBV-10044] - Ranks will not show in vBulletin 5 unless you run the rebuild user title/ranks counter
[VBV-10383] - "Fatal error: Cannot use assign-op operators with overloaded objects" on savePromotion method
[VBV-10713] - MySQL Error on createTemplateFiles method
[VBV-10799] - MySQL Error "Deadlock found" while trying to post a new topic on the production forums (Regression)
[VBV-10959] - When PM's are disabled, unable to edit, create, or save users via admincp
[VBV-11032] - lvl1data appears to be incorrectly cached.
[VBV-11033] - Node data is being double-cached.
[VBV-11037] - userGroups.XXX caching is wasteful and should be removed
[VBV-11039] - vB_UserGIT_ data should not be cached
[VBV-11040] - vB_UserMod_ Data should not be cached
[VBV-11041] - vB_UserUG_ caching should be removed
[VBV-11279] - Line Breaks are not maintained in Responsive.
[VBV-11329] - Articles do not display Preview Image in Stream View.
[VBV-11668] - Fatal error: "Wrong parameters for Exception" on banUsers method
[VBV-11740] - Failed DB connections give bad error messages / white pages
[VBV-11764] - Can't edit posts when using mobile device
[VBV-11928] - vBulletin Installer doesn't always verify php/mysql version.
[VBV-11949] - Remove attach package from vB core code
[VBV-12076] - Non styles can be imported as styles
[VBV-12115] - If you check "deny all" forum permissions, you can no longer change the permissions (even reset)
[VBV-12137] - Admin Login with expired password results in "A Serious Error has occurred and the page cannot be rendered"
[VBV-12286] - If login is configured to use https, the login form shows as unstyled
[VBV-12339] - Cannot Mass Prune Users
[VBV-12451] - class_upgrade_422.php is missing, which causes issues if trying to upgrade from 4.2.2
[VBV-12455] - Fix bad select query for cache
[VBV-12468] - Phrase missing on the Admin CP "view permission" page
[VBV-12489] - If no Blog subnavigation items are present, cannot update usergroup permissions
[VBV-12520] - Human Verification on Contact Us page does not reset if incorrect answer is provided
[VBV-12536] - conversation_before_display_controls hook unusable - hookname DB field is too short
[VBV-12539] - can_view_hidden_custom_fields and usergroup_add_edit_canseehiddencustomfields_title Need updated
[VBV-12543] - API error when conflicting permissions are had
[VBV-12586] - After Registration Email-link is no charset configuration in sourcecode
[VBV-12590] - Edit Site button does not appear on "Touch Enabled" computers when it should.
[VBV-12604] - Remove orphaned subscription records.
[VBV-12611] - Still using preg_replace with the /e modifier in a few places
[VBV-12617] - Error messages for invalid ids in user API are incorrect
[VBV-12620] - Need to change XML sitemap permissions
[VBV-12649] - Bad links on kill activation page.
[VBV-12650] - Move meta-equiv content type tag to the top of the <head> tag
[VBV-12664] - 2 Strict Standards errors in Unit tests
[VBV-12672] - Cache clear function may not correctly clear the cache
[VBV-12679] - Incorrect code in functions.php can cause errors on some installations.
[VBV-12684] - Error phrase for invalid locale contains a placeholder instead of the value that should be displayed
[VBV-12693] - No profile customization on touch enabled computers
[VBV-12722] - When using the page manager, the "save" button has misleading text (change from "Save Page" to "Save Changes&quot
[VBV-12736] - Duplicate unneeded route queries
[VBV-12737] - Fetch home page route from route cache instead of querying database (saves a query)
[VBV-12738] - The index on needs to be UNIQUE
[VBV-12741] - Duplicate route queries on channel pages
[VBV-12758] - Go to first unread icon generates invalid URL if forum/category contains non english letters
[VBV-12760] - Video's not showing
[VBV-12776] - "Blog Latest Comments" module shows unlimited comments by default
[VBV-12777] - Rename "Blog Latest Comments" module to "Latest Blog Comments" (grammar issue)
[VBV-12779] - MySQL deadlock error
[VBV-12780] - In vB_Api_Content->validate() If optional $nodeid is not set, it should use $data['nodeid']
[VBV-12791] - completed_content_table_scan phrase missing when scanning content tables in tools.php
[VBV-12792] - Coming back out of responsive mode leaves the site in one wide column
[VBV-12804] - Cannot post a "Photo" type topic (returns an exception_trace)
[VBV-12828] - "Can Move Own Topics" allows moving OR copying
[VBV-12834] - Missing phrase text "group_members_list" on "Manage Joined Members" groups page
[VBV-12921] - Cache not batching deletes
[VBV-12960] - Duplicate meta tags for charset
[VBV-13026] - "Maximum tags for Starter Post" permission is incorrectly labeled
[VBV-13036] - "Can create calendar" permission is not used
[VBV-13046] - Strict Standards in /core/vb/library/site.php
[VBV-13048] - Undelete Topics option not displayed if having Can Delete Posts but not Can Permanently Remove Posts
[VBV-13049] - Public function fetchModLogs is checking the wrong permission
[VBV-13051] - Implementing VBV-3610 also turned on the CKEditor context menu, which doesn't allow using the in-browser spellcheck suggestions
[VBV-13057] - Undefined index: reason when saving changes to a post that has an edit reason
[VBV-13064] - Bad code in /core/vb/api/content/channel.php
[VBV-13080] - "Can Set Featured Items" permission is poorly labeled
[VBV-13135] - API Statistics -> Top API Methods fails with database error
[VBV-13144] - When mysql 5.6+ newer client/server don't match, a warning is issued
[VBV-13145] - Notice: Undefined index: redirect_404_to_root in \sprint100m15\includes\vb5\applicationabstract.php on line 158
[VBV-13147] - Notice: Undefined index: extension in ...\vb\api\node.php on line 1099
[VBV-13148] - Changing a user's password in the admincp does not correctly skip the password history check.
[VBV-13165] - Bug in CLI Installer code on version select
[VBV-13181] - Fix table rendering
[VBV-13186] - When an administrator clicks on the "Edit Link" on a User's Profile, it should link to the AdminCP, not the ModCP.
[VBV-13188] - Signature lines: Space missing if user hasn't voted on a poll
[VBV-13233] - Deadlocks occur under heavy posting load.
[VBV-13237] - Site builder functionality broken on member list page (regression)
[VBV-13238] - Letter filter in member list is broken (regression)
[VBV-13244] - Customer unable to login with username
[VBV-13251] - Unlink error breaking upgrade
[VBV-13292] - If you set border size or cellpadding to 0 in the table properties box (for the table bbcode), it will be saved as blank, and won't use the 0 value
[VBV-13311] - Regression: Importing data from RSS feeds not working - Last Updated time not set, same data imported everu\y time scheduled task runs
[VBV-13316] - class_upgrade_388.php missing
[VBV-13318] - XSS Exploit in login form
[VBV-13331] - Upgrade failure at 5.0.0 rc1 step 10.
[VBV-13336] - Reference to "widget" rather than module in setting_search_cache_ttl_desc
[VBV-13337] - Can't undelete any blog entry/group discussion via inline mod
[VBV-13339] - Image attachments are broken after moving image storage from the filesystem to database storage (filedata.filedata is empty)
[VBV-13342] - clicking on the first photo of a gallery will repeat the authors name, each time you click on the first photo
[VBV-13343] - Regression: Attachments broken in PMs
[VBV-13353] - CKEditor right-click menu is still visible when *editing* a post
[VBV-13374] - XSS issue in link type submission
[VBV-13379] - publicview=1 set for all attachments (might allow bypassing attachment permissions)
[VBV-13391] - Publish Now option reverts to No when editing an article (regression)
[VBV-13412] - Wrong version for a big bunch of phrases
[VBV-13434] - Sensitive Information exposed by the fetchParticipants function
[VBV-13469] - IP Address exposed by the Follow API
[VBV-13470] - IP Address exposed by the Node API
[VBV-13471] - IP Address exposed by the Profile API
[VBV-13472] - IP Address exposed by the Search API
[VBV-13479] - Sensitive Information exposed by the vB_Api_Blog fetchSubscribers function
[VBV-13481] - Sphinx Database Errors
[VBV-13486] - Unwanted comment displayed on registration page when fb connect is enabled
Dus het lijkt erop dat het enter probleem van de mobiele interface opgelost wordt.
een shoutbox ? is dat mogelijk
ik ken dit uit de game wereld en is een snelle manier van info verspreiden of gewoon chillen met je mede forum leden
ik neem aan dat dit technisch mogelijk is
zou wel mooi zijn als je er alleen kan komen als je als lid bent ingelogd
anders krijg je anonieme bezoekers en dat is het eind zoek
de inhoud is niet te beheren , ik ga er van uit dat we allemaal volwassen mensen zijn en hier een leuke en gezellige chat op kunnen houden
ik denk aan live kleine reparaties en om de dag een gepoetste velg van de heer vanraamsdonk natuurlijk :)
maar een gekkigheidje op zn tijd hoort daar natuurlijk gewoon bij , daarom stel ik ook voor dat je er voor ingelogd moet zijn om de box te zien
Het mooiste zou zijn als je de chatbox continu in beeld hebt terwijl je het forum leest.
Dus dat je niet naar een appart gedeelte moet.
Tijdens het lezen kun je dan reageren op berichten die voorbij komen.
ja dat is idd wel zo prettig
ik zie hier wel potentie in en op deze manier word LF een echt ontmoetings centrum voor gelijk gestemde